

By October 30, 2020 No Comments

Your safety is our priority. When you attend your next appointment with Hobart OBGYN you will notice we are taking significant measures in our practice for the wellbeing of both our patients and team.

All patients are required to enter through the main entrance of Calvary Hospital, Lenah Valley for screening before attending our rooms. When you have entered, you will be directed to our rooms by following the corridor on the left.

You will notice some changes to the waiting room to comply with COVID safety directives. We have increased cleaning within the practice, and you will be encouraged to sanitise your hands upon arrival with hand sanitiser provided.

We are also changing visitor restrictions in line with directions from Calvary Hospital, Lenah Valley. Please contact the rooms for the latest restrictions.

If you have any queries or concerns then please call us on 6228 3331 or email We will continue to review our practice to be in line with direction from Public Health.

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