Dr Nicole White

Senior Obstetrics and Gynaecology Registrar

Dr Nicole White, is a local Tasmania, who was awarded her Medical Degree at the University of Tasmania (UTAS) in 2014 with a Clinical Distinction. She completed her final years of medical school at the Rural Clinical School in Burnie, gaining valuable experience and exposure to rural healthcare settings. It was during this time that she developed a deep appreciation for the importance of accessible healthcare in regional communities and a love for Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

After working at the Launceston General Hospital and Royal Hobart Hospital as a junior Doctor, Nicole embarked on a new chapter of her career by starting her formal training in O&G in Melbourne in 2018. This opportunity allowed her to broaden her knowledge and skills in the field. However, her heart remained in Tasmania, and in 2020, she made the decision to return to her beloved home and finish her training in O&G.

Outside of her professional life, Nicole is a proud mother to a vibrant toddler who continually keeps her on her toes. The joys and challenges of motherhood have taught her valuable lessons and enriched her perspective on life. She cherishes the time spent with her child and embraces the constant learning that comes with parenthood.

As Nicole finishes training, she looks forward to making a positive impact on the lives of her patients and contributing to the betterment of healthcare in her community. With her dedication, knowledge, and compassionate approach, she strives to create a healthier and happier future for women in Tasmania.